Your Real name:Dusan
How old are you:19
Where do you live:Serbia
Are you multilingual? If so, in what languages?:Serbian,English,Bosnian,Croatian,German,Russian
Tell us a little bit about yourself:I live in Belgrade,23h i play games,1h i sleep.Only thing u need to know
In game Name:Dusanking123
Your U.S.G.N -ID:155452
How many hours have you spent on server:around 2d in all servers(doghouse,free choice,city life,deathrun)
How many hours can you play each day:23(i play 10 or less in cs2d
Why do you want promotion:So i cant get abused by revive command *cough* u think who?if i tell im ded. '.'
Previous experience as moderator/administrator: Yes,custom server & here ofc
Why should we accept your application:Why not.(perm ban cmd for nab haxors)
Have you ever been kicked/muted/banned on server (if yes why ?):Yes,mute,automute few times
Any previous server bans? (if yes why ?):No
How many applications have you made before:2,0 for promo
Any additional information:Ddos if rejected '.' ik ppl