Your Real name: Roman Kostyk
How old are you: 13
Where do you live: Ukraine
Your GMT and Current Time: GMT+02:00, current time 22:30
Are you multilingual? If so, in what languages?: Yes, Ukrainian, Russian and English of course. My native language is Ukrainian.
Tell us a little bit about yourself: I live in city called Drogobych. Like computer games, sport like football, basketball etc.
In game Name: Piterskiy
Your U.S.G.N -ID: 159972
How many hours have you spent on server(DR
#Jail): 2 days
How many hours can you play each day: I hope as many as possible, becouse i have friends, i have my life, and, some problems... .I promise 1-2 hours 100%. If something will happen - i'll tell.
Why do you want to be a staff member: I want to help people, i want to respond to people's problems, i want people to follow rules and i want people to don't break the rules. Also, i noticed the most rule that CT's breaking is rule
#7 for CT's, so, i got little angry becouse any admins or moderators haven't respond to this, and, i made this application.
Previous experience as moderator/administrator: Yes, i've been administrator, at standart CS2D maps, zombie mod, RPG mod, jail(my favourite gamemode), etc. 4 servers. Sadly that all these server are closed long time ago.
Why should we accept your application: I really responsible and kind person, i want to keep this server clean from rule breakers, rude & toxic people. I'll try to spectate people most of the time.
Have you ever been kicked/muted/banned on server (if yes why ?): At this server/servers of DR community - no
Any previous server bans? (if yes why ?): At this server/servers of DR community - no. At other servers - yes, bug abuse.
How many applications have you made before: At this forum - first time. At other forums(including this) - 5
Any additional information: Yes, well, some story
. CS2D was my first and favourite game about CS. In 2013, i played this game almost all day, so many servers, so many experience, but, then my PC broke. And, CS2D broke too, then i found other interesting games, and, i forgot about this game. Then, two days ago, at russian youtube channel, called Gabe Follower, told about this game and about CS2D was in TOP 2 in Steam Greenlight! Well, i downloaded it again, the end.
Thanks for spending your time to read my application(request)