Your Real name:
How old are you:
Where do you live:
Your GMT and Current Time:
Are you multilingual? If so, in what languages?
Tell us a little bit about yourself:
In game Name:
How many hours have you spent on server:
How many hours can you play each day:
Why do you want to be a staff member:
Previous experience as moderator/administrator:
Why should we accept your application:
Have you ever been kicked/muted/banned on server (if yes why ?):
Any previous server bans? (if yes why ?):
How many applications have you made before:
Any additional information:
Please do not apply for s-vipAfter you got acceptedYou must be activ in our servers.
You must be activ in our forum.
You must be activ in our discord server for permanent contact.
You have to tell us when you are inactiv for a while.